t’amo come si amano …certe cose oscure

Marcella Ferro

[…] in the visceral recess the earth is naturally humid and the rough walls defined by the mold’s color become a chance offered to the art. The work “I love you like.. you would love certain darks things” , from Antonio Ambrosino is where mushrooms find their ideal natural habitat. In front of the artist’s sterile resin state, life regenerates and from the decomposition of disappeared bodies there is new vital lymph for the rebirth.

Work site-specific made in 2009 for the Wunderkammern space in Roma for the exhibition magical mystery tour curated by Massimo Bignardi, Marcella Ferro



2009 - resina, gomma, polistirolo cartapesta e funghi pioppini - 200 x 140 x 450 cm circa
2009 - resina, gomma, polistirolo cartapesta e funghi pioppini - 200 x 140 x 450 cm circa
2009 - resina, gomma, polistirolo cartapesta e funghi pioppini - 200 x 140 x 450 cm circa
2009 - resina, gomma, polistirolo cartapesta e funghi pioppini - 200 x 140 x 450 cm circa